Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Tortoise and the Hare

July 4, 2012
The peole who love me know that patience really has never been my thing.  It's been tough for me to realize that with weightloss slow and steady wins the race.  In July, I think I was probably 148 pounds and in October I was 136 pounds.  I had only lost 12 pounds which is not the biggest loss in the history of mankind.  Yet those 12 pounds have been the difference between muffin top and no muffin top.  I have also not have to starve myself to get here.  My experience with the HCG diet was quite crazy.  I thought if I only eat 500 calories a day I will lose weight.  I did! 20 pounds in a month.  I also gained 10 of that faster than you can blink.  Yeah that fast and after all that starvation I became anemic.  That little guy you see in the picture is now 3 feet tall and weighs 30 pounds.  He needs a momma that can pick him up and swing him around.  I wanted to be that but had zero energy to do so. 

October 28, 2012
So where am I now? I weigh 131.2 according to my dear friend the scale this morning. My goal weight has been 125 pounds, since thats how much I weighed on my wedding day.  I am only 6 pounds away from that.  At the start of the new year I'll start my second round of p90x and my goal will be to stay healthy and energetic.  I guess the numbers wont matter too much.



  1. Good work, pretty mama! That is a great accomplishment! And tell me about it, those 12 pounds I lost made such a difference!

  2. That's my goal right now! 125pounds.

    1. Nancy! Thanks for checking out the blog. Let me tell you that the hardest thing is starting. Once you start you become this workout addict. I'm sure you can do it!
